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Forum Posts

Russell Hauth
Jan 05, 2023
In Share Your Memory
Greg and I joined Oracle in the same year. We had many opportunities to work together and I always found him to be level headed and calm. I could always call him at any time of day or night and ask him questions. He always took time to listen closely and help in any way that he could. I really enjoyed working with him in person on the road and in front of customers. Then later, as covid hit, we worked remotely. I always admired his ability to demonstrate our solution to the customer and make them feel important and understood. He was one of the best presenters that I have ever watched. I counted him as one of my few true friends. I will miss him greatly. I am so glad I had the opportunity to share experiences with him. I am so glad to hear that he truly enjoyed his last few weeks doing all these amazing things. I only hope that I can be fortunate enough to pass in the same way.

Russell Hauth

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