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Forum Posts

Steve Hull
Jan 04, 2023
In Share Your Memory
Greg was a great example to me of cheerful, willing service. He was always quick to help out no matter how inconvenient an assignment may have seemed, which made him a very rare character indeed. It was always a challenge to get enough adult men to take a week of vacation to come to scout camps/high adventures. For many years, Greg offered to help out, particularly when his boys were attending. He understood that even a tough week at camp beats a good week at work and that in the long run associating with great young men returned far more value for the time spent than anything done at work possibly could. The vacation time given and the effort expended was a sacrifice he was always ready to make. Eight days in upstate NY in the summer of 2002 canoeing and portaging the wilderness lakes area of the upper Adirondacks was a memorable trip. We were both tired at the end and I traded off driving duties with another leader in my vehicle on the 10-hour drive home so I could nap a bit. Greg did the whole shift in his suburban without relief. I have never figured out how he did that. It is a secret he took to the grave with him. Maybe post-resurrection I will be able to keep up with him.

Steve Hull

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