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Forum Posts
Jan 06, 2023
In Share Your Memory
To Alisa and family our deepest condolences from the Bruce and Anna Wood family. We’re thankful that Joanna was able to be at the funeral to represent our family and were so disappointed we couldn't make it. We are very grateful in the knowledge of our Heavenly Father’s great plan of happiness for all his children. We will dearly miss our friend Greg and even though I have not seen him in a couple of years after moving from VA the thought he was always there was comforting. Greg always seemed more comfortable in the background, yet he always exuded a quiet sense of confidence. When I would speak with Greg I always marveled at how this quiet man could be so knowledgeable, and so articulate not only in our personal conversations, but in lessons he would lead, quorum conversations, talks that he would give, or in his many interactions as a member of the bishopric. I can remember many acts of service Greg gave on others behalf. He and Jo were always there to help someone move. I remember one act very specifically. I had been in the Reston hospital for sometime and was very sick and came close to death. As I was recuperating, the doctor wanted me to get up and take walks around the hallways of the hospital. I remember at least two specific times when Greg and Jo came to the hospital sneaking in big giant candy bars and getting me up out of bed and walk with me around those halls in the hospital to make sure that I got my walks in. He was always the one that volunteered when something needed to be done. I’ll never forget my experiences with Greg and I love him dearly and will miss him until we meet again.
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